
38 Weeks

Weeks: 38
Baby: Owen should be well-developed and ready to make his appearance! 
Total weight gain: Pushing 30 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yep, although I've made a few non-maternity tops work in an effort to change things up a bit. ha. 
Stretch marks? Nothing visible 
Sleep: Sleeping well, mostly. Owen has been a crazy mover, which makes things interesting, and I have to pee constantly. Constantly.
Favorite moment of the week: Kelsey had her baby boy, Archer, on Thursday! Ryan and I went up to Fayetteville to see them on Friday. It was so special to hold him! He is seriously so cute! Also, as many times as I've gone to Fayetteville during this pregnancy, it'll be a miracle if I have Owen in Branson. ha! I now have Owen's bag packed, too, and am twiddling my thumbs waiting for him to come. I'm dying to meet him, but I do hope it's closer to my due date... I guess. :-)

Miss anything? Not really
Movement: Oh my lands. Painful, painful movements. I am not complaining, just stating the facts! I love it because it gives me peace of mind that he's doing ok, but I feel like I am getting beaten up from the inside out! He's still somehow accessing a nerve that sends pain throughout my thighs, and that keeps things interesting. I was able to capture some of his movements on video last Tuesday! He has moved crazier than this before, but I've never been able to catch it! You can at least get the idea here. :-) I love it.
Cravings? Nothing consistent.
Anything make you queasy or sick? I actually haven't been feeling too bad!
Gender: BOY! 
Labor signs: I had contractions for an hour or so Wednesday night. They were all across my back, and I didn't like that too much. Thursday morning I was dilated 1 cm. I have had contractions a couple of times since then, but not too many! When my doctor "checks" me, it includes her finding/touching Owen's head. Terrible, I know. He's a lot lower than he has been my entire pregnancy. I can actually breathe and eat, and it's much easier to bend these days. 
Symptoms: Heartburn, although it has gotten better since he's moved down. I want to say "I'm 38 weeks pregnant; I have all the symptoms!" but honestly, this part of pregnancy is immeasurably more pleasant than my late first trimester to mid second trimester. 
Belly button in or out? Out. 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Good
Looking forward to: Meeting Owen!! I can't wait! Even if he waits til his due date, it's still only two weeks away! :) 
Freak-out moment of the week: I freaked out Wednesday night after an hour of contractions because I got stressed about our home not being ready for Owen. The funny thing is that it is ready, but I was trying to cook dinner and became completely delusional about my surroundings. Ha. I keep saying "I need to go finish the nursery," but then I'll walk in there and realize there is nothing else to do. Ryan told me to stop going in there. haha
Thankful for: I'm thankful and in disbelief that I have had such a great pregnancy. I don't mean that I've felt great--if you've read much of my blog, you know that--but I have had no complications, no scares, etc. I really can't believe it. 

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