
23 Weeks

Weeks: 23
Baby: My apps and books tell me what size my baby should be at this point, but we found out at our last appointment (21 weeks 2 days) that our baby is quite large. :-) HE has taste buds, his hearing is sharpening, and most of his internal organs are in place and functioning already!
Total weight gain: Like 16 pounds. 
Maternity clothes? I'm enjoying wearing some maternity tops, but I can still wear a lot of my regular clothes.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Sleeping well. I suffer from self-diagnosed sleep anxiety, meaning that I absolutely freak out if I don't think I'll be able to get enough sleep. Probably because of that, but also because I had a hard time sleeping early on, I asked my doctor what I could do to help me sleep. She told me to get some Doxylamine (Unisom) and said it's safe to take every single night of my pregnancy if I want to. So I pretty much do. It's probably more a placebo effect than anything, but it seems to help me sleep through the night. 
Favorite moment of the week: I have purchased nursery furniture, bedding, and a rug, and I've bought a few clothing items for little Owen. Ryan and I began working on registering tonight, and it's all becoming oh-so-real! 
Miss anything? I kind of miss sleeping through the night without having to get up to pee. That's getting old.
Movement: His movements are getting stronger and more frequent! I absolutely love it. Ryan has felt him move a few times now over the past couple of weeks!
Cravings? Nothing really... sorry to disappoint. ;)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nothing in particular
Gender prediction: He's all boy!!! 
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: This week has been much better than the past two, but I pretty much have every symptom at some point during each week. 
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Pretty good!
Freak-out moment of the week: Saying "only 17 more weeks til my due date" was a real eye-opener this week. We had a small freak-out moment, but for me it was all excitement. I want to snuggle my baby RIGHT NOW!
Thankful for: So much. Right now I'm so thankful for our friend Seth who trudged through Ikea by himself to find, purchase, load, and transport our dresser and crib from Dallas, which saved us $400 in shipping fees! 

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