Every week should be a four day week. Five out of my past six weeks back at school have been four day weeks. I have felt more rested than ever. I've had time to do many of the things I've wanted to do for a while, such as create a blog, read some books, investigate twitter, and make a commonplace notebook. I have been wanting to make a commonplace notebook for several years now. I finally did tonight. I a m S O e x c i t e d.
I have always been a quote keeper. As I read, I underline quotes, words, and phrases that I like. If I hear or read something that is lyrically appealing to me, I write it down. A commonplace notebook is a place to keep inspiring things. It's similar to a journal, but very little in this notebook will be my own words. It's mostly quotes and such from other places. I have four tabs: Paper Cuts (which is for quotes and clippings from books, songs, etc.), Little Laughs (for anything cute and funny), Kids Say the Darndest Things (quotes from my students), and iRead (an annotated list of the books I have read/am reading).
This week is actually a three-day week for me; we got enough snow to get us out of school for two days! I know this picture is horrible. I took it in the dark. But it never snows very much in Little Rock, so we are beside ourselves!
We also made snowice cream this morning
at 10 AM. Ryan put
Spring oreos in his.
I actually read this when you sent me the first message, I was just a bad blog reader and didn't comment.
I love the notebook idea! How did you make yours? I think I will copy. :)